Okay, by now your home should be sparkling clean thanks to all the chores you've delighted in giving your children this week. They have cleaned your floors with the
Swivel Sweeper, dusted the furniture and blinds with
Pledge Multi-Surface Dusters, sorted the laundry with their
Bongo Buckets, and cleaned the mirrors and windows with
Method Best in Glass Cleaner...woohoo! Here's hoping our kids enjoyed doing these activities as much as we loved giving them!
On to today's topic. We have a confession to make. We never considered how everyday activities with kids, cooking and pets affect our walls. Sure, we noticed several of the paint chips...but we keep small containers of touch up paint to deal with those when we are looking for a family project. Our kids love walking around the house with us, touching up the walls with their small paintbrushes. What we weren't aware of however, is just how
dirty our walls had become over the past couple of months...ahem...okay, years. Can you imagine? Here we bust our tushies and enslave our kids to produce a meticulous house whenever company is calling only to have our guests pointing out the filth on our walls. Okay, perhaps mother-in-laws are expected to find stuff to criticize, but really...how humiliating. So what do we do? Wash all the walls? Pretty time consuming. Repaint? Way too expensive. This was a job to tackle as a family, and we needed help quickly...the in-laws were coming back the next week...yikes!
Man oh man...we at The Daily Kool just love it when a product lives up to its name. The
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is one of those products that does
exactly what it says it will do...who would have thought? We've got to give the bald guy lots of credit with this one. The
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser easily removed all of the dirt, grime and gunk off of our walls, baseboards and doors. We know it's kind of pathetic, but we just can't express how giddy we were when using this amazing product. On the first major wall cleaning marathon in our home, we do have to admit that we went through a lot of
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers...the dirtier the area, the faster the erasers dissolve.. Hey, we did admit to the wall neglect...what did you expect?
We love that the
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is non-toxic and contains no harsh fumes to worry about your children breathing in. Please keep in mind, though...it is a sponge-like product. We caution those of you with younger children to supervise them to avoid accidental ingestion...it may block the gastrointestinal tract as would any sponge. We have heard some rumors that the
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser caused skin irritations in some children, but we have never had that problem. We suspect that the children who experienced this perhaps have particularly sensitive skin to begin with. If your child falls into that category, you can always put a glove on him when using the
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
If your walls are painted, please make sure to test an inconspicuous area before letting your children loose with a
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. We didn't have a problem, even with our darker walls, but it is possible that the eraser can remove some of your paint. But, don't limit yourselves to just using the
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on walls, baseboards and doors...it also works great on sinks, countertops, tile and appliances...it even works on dry erase board residue. One follower gave us a fabulous tip for using the
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on tile grout...amazing!
Reasonably priced at your local supermarket or hardware store, the
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is a must-have in the Daily Kool household. This is quite possibly one of the "koolest" cleaning products around...our entire family had a blast using it around the house. Guess our mother-in-law will have to find something else to give us a hard time about. Let's just not give her any ideas, okay? Um....please?