Getting mail addressed to them makes kids feel special and grown up. Keeping it consistent and age-appropriate is often the challenge. Thank goodness for the classic Highlights educational magazine for children. Our parents treated us to this wonderful subscription when we were younger, and we were truly blessed to be able to carry on the tradition in our family. Launched in 1946, Highlights is the most widely read children's magazine in the world..and with good reason. Recognizing that kids are the world's most important people, Highlights feeds their natural curiosity and love of learning with stories, brain teasers, riddles, crafts and other activities in this wonderfully wholesome and fun publication.
There are so many things to love about the Highlights educational magazine for children. Our kids' all-time favorite feature is, of course, the ever-popular Hidden Pictures activity. Illustrated by award-winning artists, these puzzles enhance attention to detail and increase word knowledge...plus, they're just darn good fun! Add in some exciting science experiments, creative craft ideas, entertaining stories stories and humorous jokes and riddles in every edition. Highlights is packed with all the good stuff to foster kids curiosity, creativity and confidence. What more could a parent ask for?

Highlights educational magazine for children makes a terrific gift for a nephew or niece, child or grandchild. The $30 price tag does put it out of our birthday gift budget for our kids' friends, unfortunately. Since we are overloaded with birthdays, we honestly tend to stick within more of a $10 range per child. Don't get us wrong...Highlights is definitely worth the price, and is a great consideration for those who may not be quite as thrifty as we are.
Highlights clearly states its mission...to help "kids develop positive self worth by using their creativity and imagination, reading thinking and reasoning skills, and learning how to treat others with respect kindness and sensitivity." Whether you select the new Highlights High Five or the original Highlights classic, this "kool" magazine subscription is a must have for any family with children. Our boys eagerly anticipate receiving their Highlights magazine each month, and are thrilled when it finally arrives. But the most important aspect of this amazing educational children's magazine is how it encourages parents to create and spend quality time with their children. This, our beloved readers, is truly priceless.

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